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    Exercise Science

    Using movement as medicine to break the cycle of pain

    Get pain free & unlock what your body is capable of with science-based training.

    Read more about exercise science below.

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    What is exercise science?

    "Make time for exercise, or you'll lose time to illness"


    We use exercise and movement as a form of medicine. Our approach is individually tailored and focuses on helping you get rid of pain, address chronic conditions, and get the most out of life.

  • Challenging. Rewarding. Fulfilling.

    Exercise can be hard to start, but once it's a habit, it becomes hard to stop.


    Start with your functional assessment

    Get a comprehensive assessment so we can create the best way for you to achieve your health & fitness goals.


    Get your personalised training plan

    Make consistent progress and see amazing results with a clear plan that's completely tailored to you.


    Get amazing results with expert coaching

    Feel the difference in your life when you work with our coach 1-on-1 or in a small group setting.

  • Unlock Your Health Potential with Exercise Science & Clinical Fitness

    Exercise is a pillar of life. It's unlimited, free, and natural.


    It's not just to build muscle and look good, movement and exercise play an important role in preventing pain, recovering from injury, and fostering overall health and wellbeing.


    Our Exercise Science and Clinical Fitness programs are personally tailored and designed to help you conquer pain so your body doesn't hold you back from living life to the fullest.


    Why Exercise Matters in Physiotherapy:

    1. Enhanced Recovery: Incorporating targeted exercise helps speed up recovery by strengthening the muscles around your injury and increasing flexibility.
    2. Prevention of Future Injuries: Regular, structured exercise routines reduce the risk of future injuries by fortifying the body’s resilience.
    3. Improved Overall Health: Exercise boosts overall health parameters like heart health, bone density, and mental wellbeing, contributing to a higher quality of life.

    If you're ready to get started, meet your coach with a free functional assessment

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  • Ready to get pumping?

    Meet your coach and get a completely personalised plan